The ‘Sun Rises’ in Asia on 9 October

Priority .Asia Domain Name Registration Starts for Trademark Holders.
DotAsia Organisation - 09/10/2007

Internet: lancement du nom de domaine .asia
La commercialisation du nom de domaine, qui permettra aux marques de simplifier l'adresse de leurs sites à destination des pays asiatiques, a été lancée mardi à Hong Kong par la société DotAsia, a annoncé cette dernière.
AFP - 09/10/2007

Sample Internet addresses that don't use English are expected to go live next week for testing

Sample addresses in nearly a dozen languages will be added to the Internet's central directories as early as next week, paving the way for Web surfers around the world to get online without knowing any English.
International Herald Tribune - 04/10/2007

Guest spot: David Crocker on control of the internet
All right, cousins.  Call me a xenophobe if you must.   You see, I’m one of those benighted types who think the Internet works tolerably well under American control.  Over the last several years, however, there have been loud voices clamoring for “international” control of the network, and claiming that the system will split apart unless the U.S. listens to the UN and its assorted drumbeaters.  As you will doubtless surmise, the issue is both political and technical.
Blog Consilio Editorial - 09/10/2007