------------------------------------------------------------------------ *A Script for Every Surfer* <> Responding to criticism from the non-English- speaking world, the U.S. firm that oversees the Internet will test domains in foreign characters. Washington Post - 11/10/2007 *ICANN’s global IDN test plan* <> ICANN wants every Internet user to help in testing Internationalized (non ASCII) Domain Names as part of an evaluation program being launched on October 15, 2007. - 11/10/2007 *Avec son .bzh, la Bretagne milite pour les extensions internet régionales* <> .org, .com, .net, .fr, .eu et bientôt .bzh ! Le comité d'action pour l'obtention d'un nom de domaine .bzh a organisé une conférence, le 21 septembre dernier à Paris, à l'occasion de la Breizh Touch, sur les "enjeux des nouvelles extensions internet" avec le soutien du conseil régional de Bretagne et du club de réflexion Bretagne Prospective. - 10/10/2007 *A Xunta destinará 186.000 euros a promover a candidatura do .gal* <> A Consellería de Innovación e Industria destinará un total de 186.000 euros a promover a candidatura do dominio .gal para as empresas, entidades ou persoas que se expresen en lingua galega ou fomenten a cultura do país. El - 10/10/2007 *Internet Census, 2.8 Billion Addresses * <>Researchers at the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute, one of the birthplaces of the Internet decades ago, have just completed and plotted a comprehensive census of all of the more 2.8 billion allocated addresses on the Internet -- the first complete effort of its kind in more than two decades, they say. Technology Daily News - 09/10/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **