26/11/2007: Italy-Brazil agreement for an Internet Bill of Rights
governanca.cgi.br ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Italy-Brazil agreement for an Internet Bill of Rights* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/italy-brazil-agreement-for-an-internet-bill-of-rights/> Privacy, data protection, freedom of expression, universal accessibility, network neutrability, interoperability, use of format and open standards, free access to information and knowledge, right to innovation and a fair and competitive market and consumers safeguard. eGov Monitor - 23/11/2007 *Pai da Web propõe padrões abertos entres redes sociais por Web Semântica* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/pai-da-web-propoe-padroes-abertos-entres-redes-sociais-por-web-semantica/> Tim Berners-Lee explica mudança de foco online dos documentos para relações sociais e propõe padrão aberto que viabilizaria Social Graph. IDG Now! - 23/11/2007 *França lança plano "anti-pirataria" na internet* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/franca-lanca-plano-anti-pirataria-na-internet/> A França pretende colocar em prática um novo plano para combater a pirataria na internet em que usuários que costumam fazer downloads ilegais de filmes e músicas podem ficar sem acesso à web. Folha Online - 26/11/2007 *Despite filters, tidal wave of spam bears down on e-mailers* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/despite-filters-tidal-wave-of-spam-bears-down-on-e-mailers/> Why, in 2007, is spam worse than ever? Let exasperated consumers count the ways: PDF spam. MP3 spam. Pump-and-dump spam. E-card spam. USA Today - 26/11/2007 *Centro de Incidentes de Segurança da RNP completa 10 anos* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/centro-de-incidentes-de-seguranca-da-rnp-completa-10-anos/> Os dez anos de atuação do Centro de Atendimento a Incidentes de Segurança, da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (CAIS/RNP), serão comemorados durante o Dia Internacional de Segurança em Informática, em 30 de novembro próximo. O Globo Online - 23/11/2007 *DNS hacked again* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/dns-hacked-again/> Amit Klein recently released details on DNS server cache poisoning attacks that affect both BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) and Windows DNS servers. It goes to show that every time you think a problem with a well-known protocol or service has been solved, it may not be. Yahoo! News - 23/11/2007 *Le gouvernement de la Barbade récupère son extension* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/le-gouvernement-de-la-barbade-recupere-son-extension/> Lors de sa dernière réunion, le Conseil d'administration de l'ICANN a statué sur le .BB. L'extension sera dorénavant gérée par le gouvernement local. Domaines.info - 26/11/2007 *Domain name industry report* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/domain-name-industry-report/> At our .uk registrar conference yesterday we launched our first domain name industry report. This report provides insight and statistics on the global and domestic market as well as trends in registrar and registrant behaviour. Nominet - 22/11/2007 *Chinese seeks Internet innovations* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/chinese-seeks-internet-innovations/> After wide application of the first generation Internet, problems such as network security, network capacity, speed and mobility became apparent. Starting in the mid-1990s, many developed countries like the United States began to research the next generation Internet in an attempt to solve these problems. China.org.cn - 23/11/2007 *U.S. in the broadband slow lane* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/u-s-in-the-broadband-slow-lane/> The United States invented the Internet. But it's falling behind in the global broadband race. In 2001, it was fourth in the number of broadband subscribers per capita. Now it's 15th. SilliconValley.com - 22/11/2007 *Bridging the media/communication gap* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/bridging-the-media-communication-gap/> Tony Blair reformed the British Labour party from within and called it New Labour. Swedish prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt is trying to reform his formerly neoliberal Conservative party into Sweden’s “new labour party”. The apparent result – apart from the confusion among the electorate, especially those who voted the new government into power – is an almost complete political consensus around the basic principles of social democracy. Glocal Times - 23/11/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *http://governanca.cgi.br*
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