28/09/2007: Whois Directory, a Tool for Brand Defenders, May Be Veiled
governanca.cgi.br ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Whois Directory, a Tool for Brand Defenders, May Be Veiled* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/whois-directory-a-tool-for-brand-defenders-may-be-veiled/> The Whois directory can be a critical tool for companies to identify and shut down typo squatters, cyber squatters and phishers. The immediate access it grants to a site registrant's information, brand stewards say, can reduce the time it takes to shut down a harmful Web site from days to hours. The ClicZ Network - 28/09/2007 *EUA criticam Mianmar por barrar internet* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/eua-criticam-mianmar-por-barrar-internet> Casa Branca criticou decisão de cortar as ligações com o exterior. Junta Militar já deteve mais de mil pessoas, sendo 800 monges budistas. G1 - 28/09/2007 *Myanmar Blackout* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/myanmar-blackout> The Internet has been a welcome gateway for political dissidents around the world, often letting activists stay a step ahead of the repressive regimes that would silence them. But in a country as repressive as Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), the government holds a trump card: shutting down the Internet altogether. Forbes - 28/09/2007 *Myanmar podría haber cortado los accesos a Internet* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/myanmar-podria-haber-cortado-los-accesos-a-internet/> La junta militar de Myanmar parecía haber cortado el viernes el acceso público a Internet para impedir la difusión de más vídeos, fotografías e información sobre su ofensiva contra las mayores protestas contra el gobierno en casi 20 años. Yahoo! España - 28/09/2007 *UN-sponsored meeting seeks to link remote Asia-Pacific communities to Internet* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/un-sponsored-meeting-seeks-to-link-remote-asia-pacific-communities-to-internet/> With only about 14,000 of the world's estimated 170,000 community e-centres in Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations opened a two-day meeting today on establishing a regional knowledge network of the centres where people in the poorest and remotest areas, from farmers to students, gain access to computers and the Internet. ONU - 27/09/2007 *Internet e diritti, consulto a Roma: "Ripensare la proprietà intellettuale"* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/internet-e-diritti-consulto-a-roma-ripensare-la-proprieta-intellettuale/> Il nodo dei diritti condivisi al Dialogue Forum on Internet Rights, il vertice organizzato dal governo. "Garantire il carattere aperto e multilaterale della Rete". La Repubblica - 27/09/2007 *L`Angola présent au forum sur les droits d'Internet à Rome* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/l-angola-present-au-forum-sur-les-droits-d2019internet-a-rome/> Une délégation du Ministère de la Science et Technologie participera jeudi, à Rome, en Italie au forum du dialogue sur les droits de l'Internet. Angola Press - 26/09/2007 *.YU : une extension qui s'apprête à disparaître* <http://governanca.cgi.br/noticias/yu-une-extension-qui-s-apprete-a-disparaitre/> L'ICANN ( Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers ) a décidé de faire disparaître l'extension .YU, associée au nom Yougoslavie. Top Logiciel - 24/09/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *http://governanca.cgi.br*
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